

About 老澳门六合彩图库 Epidemiology

The Division of Epidemiology is a multifaceted division within the Institute for Health & Equity at the 老澳门六合彩图库. Created in 2011, there are currently five faculty members, two postdoctoral fellows and eight staff members with primary appointments in the Division. Members of the Division engage in research and education activities and collaborates with various departments within the 老澳门六合彩图库, institutions across the nation and the world. Faculty members are active in grant submission with successful funding histories and publications. Faculty members also teach and advise in the , the Masters in Public Health program, the  program, and the Medical Student Pathways program. Epidemiology is also the home for the Epidemiology Data Resource Center (EDRC), the Medical College's centralized resource for secondary data and geographical information systems. 

Epidemiology Faculty and Staff

Director of Epidemiology聽

Laura Cassidy, PhD, joined the Institute for Health & Equity in 2011 as Director of the PhD Program in Public and Community Health and the Division of Epidemiology. Dr. Cassidy is the Research Director for the Institute for Health & Equity.

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Epidemiology Faculty

The division of Epidemiology is home to four grant funded professors and one instructor.

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Epidemiology Staff

The division of Epidemiology serves as home to 11 staff members supported by divisional grants and funds.

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Institute for Health & Equity

Epidemiology is a division within the Institute for Health & Equity (IHE). Other divisions within the Institute include The Division of Biostatistics, The Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, and The Division of Community Health.

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Institute for Health & Equity Mission and Guiding Principles


The mission of the Institute for Health & Equity is to improve health and advance equity through partnerships and to integrate medicine and population health.

Guiding Principles

  • Integrate public and community health across research, education, clinical, and community initiatives.
  • Foster collaboration among departments and disciplines, and strengthen relationships with community.
  • Build capacity by creating and strengthening effective partnerships that are innovative and mutually beneficial.
  • Share power and resources equitably among partners to maximize effective outcomes.
  • Nurture programs in public health disciplines and encourage methodological research in biostatistics, bioethics, and global health.